Author: someonewhoknowspdp
Follow up to last session at the Festschrift Symposium
From Carolyn James: At the end of the discussions on Saturday, I meant to add this to the twitter feed as it relates to some of the words on literacy, activism, etc.. It’s Dana Boyd’s talk from SXSWEdu–if you haven’t seen it, buckle up ’cause it’s a tough listen, but so thought-provoking.
My memories of PDP
From Richard Beach. Having completed his doctoral program at the U along with Jerry Harste, he was very much at home at the U and served to build up the reading program there. I have fond memories of him as not only a strong teacher, but a very capable advisor to lots of top-notch doctoral…
Mentor, colleague, friend
From Joan Herman: Dinners with fine wine, shared cabs to the airport, projects in which we have collaborated. What an honor and a treat it is to know you, PDP! I’m sorry to be missing your festschrift. You fully deserve all the tributes and compliments you’re getting. You’ve always been incredibly smart, incredibly supportive and…
2014 LRA ICG Breakfast
From Aria Razfar: I have known David since meeting him during the 2004 NCTE meeting when he was recognized for one of many lifetime achievement awards and I was at that time a new graduate and a ‘promising researcher.’ Our paths would cross again several years later at a critical juncture in my journey. I…
LRA 2008
From Gina Biancarosa: David made LRA 2008 (back when it was still NRC) in Orlando truly memorable by leading a dance party by the pool. Nothing quite like watching literacy superstars boogie down after blowing your mind earlier in the day. From then on, if there was a band or DJ, David and I had…
TBALL and a Hat
From Alison Bailey: UCB and UCLA played on the same team between 2003-2009 – perhaps a first! Of course this was the TBALL team (Technology Based Assessment of Language and Literacy). With many flights up and down the coast of California (and one nixed suggestion of meeting half way at The Cattleman’s Ranch in King…
Cynthia Greenleaf: The generosity of David’s attention
From Cyndy Greenleaf: Truthfully I can’t recall the very first time I met David. I do know that I was surprised, and honored, that he agreed to serve as a discussant in a session Christine Cziko and I gave at AERA or NCTE or IRA some 20 years ago. We were reporting on the early…