Category: Comprehension & Underserved Students
The link between standard and dual language teachers’ Spanish literacy instruction and ue of formative assessments. García, G. E. & Lang, M. G. (2018).
This article was submitted by Joey García. After re-reading the 1994 García & Pearson article on assessment and diversity, I realized the relevance of the 2018 article to several of the questions that David and I asked at the end of the 1994 article. In the 2018 article, my doctoral student and I used qualitative…
Three Children, Two Languages, and Strategic Reading: Case Studies in Bilingual/Monolingual Reading. Jiménez, R. T., Garcia, G. E., & Pearson, P. D. (1995).
This article also was derived from Bob Jiménez’s dissertation. It provided qualitative case studies of a successful Latina student’s reading comprehension strategies in English compared to those of a less successful Latino student and a successful Anglo student’s reading comprehension strategies. The findings showed that although the successful Latina reader had less prior knowledge and…
The reading strategies of bilingual Latina/o students who are successful English readers: Opportunities and obstacles. Jiminéz, R. T., García, G. E., & Pearson, P. D. (1996).
This article was submitted by Joey (Georgia) Garcia to accompany the 1994 publication entitled “Assessment and Diversity.” David was Bob’s Ph.D. adviser, and Joey was his thesis director. The actual publication was derived from Bob’s dissertation. The findings were from qualitative think-alouds in which Bob, as a bilingual researcher, interacted with the students in Spanish…
Learning: A process of enculturation into the community’s practices. Kong, A., & Pearson, P. D. (2005)
From Ailing Kong This piece is the talk that David and I gave at the 2004 NCTE Annual Conference upon receiving the Alan C. Purves Award from NCTE. In this talk, we shared how I was mentored into the educational research community and the important role played by “a composite mentor”, a collective group of…
The Road to Participation: The construction of a literacy practice in a learning community of linguistically diverse learners. Kong, A., & Pearson, P. D. (2003)
From Ailing Kong David and I published this article in Research in the Teaching of English in 2003. It was about how Ellen, a classroom teacher, engaged her students from diverse backgrounds in learning to read, to think, to write about and discuss about what they read. This piece was granted the Alan C. Purves…
Assessment and Diversity. Garcia, G. E. & Pearson, P. D. (1994)
Linda Darling Hammond asked Joey and me to write this piece for one of her volumes of RRE. We did not know what a treat we were in for when we acquired Ed Gordon as our consulting editor. How much we learned!