Tag: slide deck
Recent Developments the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP): An Analysis of Conceptual, Digital, Psychometric, and Policy Trends. Pearson,P. D. (2017)
In 2017 Prof P David Pearson delivered the OUCEA Annual Lecture at the Ashmolean Museum on 25th May. ‘Recent Developments in Reading Assessment in the USA National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP): An Analysis of Conceptual, Digital, Psychometric, and Policy Trends’ http://podcasts.ox.ac.uk/recent-developments-reading-assessment-usa-national-assessment-educational-progress-naep
Rich talk about text. Pearson, P.D. (2010)
This presentation was given at the University of Wyoming Fall Literacy Conference on September 24, 2010. Focuses on the role of talk in promoting comprehension.
An historical analysis of the impact of educational research on policy and practice: Reading as an illustrative case. Pearson, P. D. (2007)
David gave this talk at Vanderbilt University in 2007. It was originally presented at the National Reading Conference in 2006 in Los Angeles, CA. The written form of the talk appears in Pearson, P.D. (2007). An historical analysis of the impact of educational research on policy and practice: Reading as an illustrative case. in Rowe,…