We were invited to contribute to this volume on science and literacy instruction in light of the NGSS based on an earlier Science (2010) article by Pearson, Moje, and Greenleaf. This piece was an opportunity to find connections among our various projects on literacy in science, which had been developed for students at different grade levels and guided by different principles and goals. In addition, it was an opportunity to describe for K-12 teachers the pedagogical strategies and frameworks that had emerged as particularly useful from our collective work on disciplinary literacy and integrated instruction. The full citation is:
Cervetti, G. N., Pearson, P. D., Greenleaf, C., & Moje, E. B. (2013). Science? Literacy? Synergy! In W. Banko, M. L. Grant, M. E. Jabot, A. J. McCormack, & O’Brien (Eds.), Science literacy & our nation’s future (pp. 99-124). Washington, DC: NSTA & STANYS.Cervetti-Pearson-Greenleaf-Moje-2013-5b0823c2b07ff
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